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31st May 2017

The Essential Graduation Celebration Ideas and Supplies

We’re coming to the end of another academic year… which means it’ll soon be time to celebrate! Whether you’re throwing a party to honour a grad in your family or hosting a graduation event for the whole year group, take inspiration from these first-class graduation celebration ideas.

Find out how to use your party to mark all the amazing things they’ve achieved, look back on some special memories and help them get excited about the brand new life that lies ahead of them.

Make moments to remember

A graduation celebration is one of those key life events that will be remembered forever; marking a transition from one stage of life to another. To honour that sense of occasion, time-honoured rituals like tossing mortarboards into the air are an essential rite of passage for every new graduate. For a theatrical touch, why not fire confetti cannons to make it into a real spectacle and make sure you have a camera handy to record this special moment for posterity!

Class of 2017

The graduation ceremony is one of the last times that the whole year group will spend in each other’s company. Before they go their separate ways, give the students a chance to remember and appreciate their classmates accordingly.

Pose for group photos in a photo booth and take something away to remember your time together. Provide props for them to pose with so they can go to town on their personas – from ‘Most Likely to Succeed’ to ‘Class Clown’. It’ll be amusing to look back in later years to see just how much the Class of 2017 has changed!

Themed nibbles

When it comes to food styling, graduation celebration ideas can be really inventive. The great news is, though, that you can put together an impressive, academic-themed spread quite easily. Here are some supremely simple, bite-sized catering tips for any grad party.

  • Simple, if not edible: roll up napkins and tie them with ribbon for an instant diploma-themed accessory.
  • Smarty pants: decorate cupcakes with Smarties as the ultimate sweet treat for any brainbox.
  • Tassels with everything: adding tassel decorations is an instant way to provide an appropriately academic air to any table.

Chalk it up

Let your guests express themselves the old-school way, with a blackboard backdrop mounted on the wall. Classmates can pose for photos in front of the board or simply use it to record their sentiments on this momentous occasion.

Party hashtag

Whatever happens at your party, you can guarantee that everyone will be online the next day, looking for photos. Make them easy to find by creating a party hashtag for Instagram.

Subject specific

The best graduation celebration ideas are the subject-specific ones. So, take inspiration from what makes this grad party different. Are you congratulating a newly-qualified lawyer, or perhaps taking your hat off to a cohort of fashion designers? Whatever the degree course, it’s sure to give you plenty of ideas.